Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wednesday Whatever

Happy Wednesday to everyone! It is a beautiful SUNNY day here in good old OH-IO! Its only 12:20 and I have worked and got a jog in! WOW, if you know me personally that's an accomplishment! I even went to the park and jogged alone! I am a BIG wimp about jogging alone! One, I enjoy the company and two, there are creepers out there in this world! I am EXTRA careful but still!!! But I am done and back...NO BIGGIE :)

So I have decided to make this, today  "Whatever Wednesday"  meaning.... I am going to post for you random whateverness! Hope everyone has a lovely day! Today I am posting pics from our trip to Michigan last summer. St Ignace,Whitefish Point basically all thru the UP! Don't tell my Buckeye Fan friends!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Coffee Filter Wreath ~ DIY

Hey, Everyone! Wanted to post my weekend project! I made a coffee filter wreath for my house. It turned out really good...well I think :) Here are some pictures of it!

***made out of.... coffee filters, floral picks, chocolate ribbon, foam wreath form and a cute letter R, for RIGGS! :) ***

Thursday, March 15, 2012

"Come on In" Our front door renovation!

I have been working on our front door this past week! :) I wanted something to make our front porch POP a little! I decided that a front door facelift was MUCH needed! So I ventured out to our local hardware store in search of the perfect paint color and a door knocker!We don't have a doorbell but being in the country we really don't have many visitors that we don't know are coming! So Home Depot here I come! I ended up going with Spa by Behr. Soooo pretty!!! After the Home Depot I headed to a few craft stores in search of a stencil that I use to put the house numbers across the door too! Well I bought a set and was VERY disappointed once I got home and realized I had bought them TOO big! BOO....... So now I have decided after much looking for the perfect stencil that I am going to make my own. I have a cricut imagine still in the box that my momma got me for Christmas! So I am going to break it out of the box and MAKE exactly what I want! I have also put myself on somewhat of a deadline...the deadline being Easter Dinner at MY HOUSE!!! I am somewhat of a procrastinator so this is a perfect deadline! LOL 

Mocha checking out my work!

The hubby hanging the door knocker!

Hope you have a great Thursday!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mocha & Pippa

This is Mocha! He's a seal point and mommas boy!

Pippa, she's a blue point and the baby! Not even a year, she is alittle crazy!!!
Wanted to pop back in and post a few pictures of my other babies! Mocha & Pippa :) These are my SUPER Adorable Siamese.

Spring has Sprung!

Spring has SPRUNG here in good old OH-IO!!! Today was spring forward and it almost got me AGAIN! A few years ago The hubby and I went to the movies 2 time changes in a ROW at the WRONG time.... not changing the time on our car clocks! LOL BUT, I was sitting here and the Hubby was picking on the girls asking them if they had messed with the stove clock...HA
Our purple Hyacinths
All funny aside, HELLO SPRING!!!! My flowers are peeking through the ground just waiting to bloom!

The birds are out and all in <3 too! Today we DIY'ed and made a bird feeder for our Cardinals and Doves that love to play in our tree out front! Hopefully they are thankful! They girls really liked it too!!! **I'll post more pics if I can get any of our little friends enjoying the feast!**

& ...... DIY ~ toilet paper roll, peanut butter, bird seed

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Nikki Reed & Hubby Paul McDonald


        Nikki Reed was my least favorite character from Twilight until the last book "Breaking Dawn"! Once she made the dog bowl for Jacob I was hooked!!! LOL Well her and her hubby American Idol contestant Paul McDonald of The Grand Magnolias have just released their debut single Now that I've found You. I am IN LOVE with this song! Nikki directed the video too. Its raw and very loving.....gets you hooked. You can really see the connection they have as a couple! LOVE it :) You should really have a listen!!!! Let me know what you think!!!!