Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Wednesday Whatever

Happy Wednesday to everyone! It is a beautiful SUNNY day here in good old OH-IO! Its only 12:20 and I have worked and got a jog in! WOW, if you know me personally that's an accomplishment! I even went to the park and jogged alone! I am a BIG wimp about jogging alone! One, I enjoy the company and two, there are creepers out there in this world! I am EXTRA careful but still!!! But I am done and back...NO BIGGIE :)

So I have decided to make this, today  "Whatever Wednesday"  meaning.... I am going to post for you random whateverness! Hope everyone has a lovely day! Today I am posting pics from our trip to Michigan last summer. St Ignace,Whitefish Point basically all thru the UP! Don't tell my Buckeye Fan friends!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on jogging!

    what park did you end up hitting up?

    As always, lovely pictures!
